course enquiry course enquiry Accident investigation is not only a moral and legal duty, but also represents sound commercial sense, as identifying and addressing the root causes of accidents guards against future incidents. A thorough investigation of an accident is demonstrable evidence of your commitment to safety, and this course will enable your employees to carry out accident investigations in a professional and effective manner.

Who should attend the Accident Investigation Course?

The course is for all personnel who have responsibilities for accident investigation in the workplace.
Duration: 1 day.
Venue: courses can be delivered on site or at selected venues.
Candidates who successfully complete the course will achieve an appropriate understanding of:

  • Recognise the ethical, legal and financial context of accident investigation
  • Understand the concepts of hazard, risk and the severity of risk
  • Define an accident and a near miss
  • Provide an emergency response at the accident scene
  • Undertake an initial report
  • Report to the authorities
  • Take part in or lead the investigation team
  • Carry out the four elements of investigation
    • gathering of information
    • analysis of information
    • identification of risk control measures
    • the action plan and its implementation
  • Identify actions required to prevent recurrence

This certificated course will include a practical exercise in accident investigation.