course enquiry course enquiry Risk assessment is an essential step in protecting your workers and your company, as well as complying with the law. It helps you focus on the significant risks in the workplace – the ones with the potential to cause real harm.

Who should attend the General Risk Assessment Course?

The course is for all personnel who are involved in assessing and controlling risk in the workplace.

Duration: 1 day.

Venue: courses can be delivered on site or at selected venues.

Candidates who successfully complete the course will achieve an appropriate understanding of:

  • Recognise the ethical, legal and financial context of risk assessment
  • Understand the concepts of hazard, risk and the severity of risk
  • Describe the work be undertaken, its frequency and duration
  • Identify hazards involved in the work
  • Identify all possible staff groups & individuals likely to be affected by the work
  • Assess the level of risk (low/med/high) using a standard calculation.
  • Take account of the existing safety controls e.g. engineering controls, information, training, protective equipment, monitoring and document them
  • Indentify any additional controls necessary to reduce the risk level further, and document these controls.
  • Assess the level of residual risk (low/med/high) after existing and any new controls are in place.
  • Document the monitoring procedure to ensure safe implementation of the activity.
  • Understand the need for periodic review of the assessment

In line with our objective of tailoring each course to the individual needs of each client, the course will include an assessment of a typical workplace activity.