course enquiry course enquiry Thousands of workplace transport related accidents occur every year and these account for a significant number of major and over 3 day injuries. Approximately one in ten fatal accidents in the workplace is due to being struck by a moving vehicle. This course will enable delegates to properly assess the risks associated with transport/pedestrian safety and to develop and implement suitable control measures.

Duration: 2 days.

Venue: courses can be delivered on site or at selected venues.

Who should attend the Workplace Transport Risk Assessment Course?

The course is for all personnel who control workplace transport issues on behalf of their organisations.

Candidates who successfully complete the course will achieve an appropriate understanding of:

  • Recognise the ethical, legal and financial context of workplace transport management
  • Understand the issues involved in the effective management of workplace transport...
  • Identify typical hazards and risks associated with workplace transport.
  • Will be able to apply HSG 65 & 136 principles to workplace transport management.
  • Undertake a ‘suitable and sufficient’ workplace transport risk assessment.
  • Develop active and reactive monitoring techniques within the workplace

Delegates will be provided with a workplace transport safety checklist for use within their own organisation.