Work-related violence has serious consequences for employees and the businesses they work for. Victims may suffer not only physical injury, but also psychological effects, such as anxiety and stress. For their employers this can represent a real financial cost – through low staff morale and high staff turnover. This in turn can affect the confidence of a business, its profitability and even its viability. Further costs may arise from expensive insurance premiums and compensation payments.
The Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 places a legal duty on all employers to ensure so far as reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare of their employees. This duty extends to risks from violence at work.
This course will enable your employees to recognise the early signs of aggression and either avoid it or deal with the situation effectively.
Duration: ½ day.
Venue: courses can be delivered on site or at selected venues
Who should attend the Violence at Work Course?
Anyone whose work involves:
- giving a service
- caring
- education
- cash transactions
- delivery/collection
- controlling
- representing authority
Candidates who successfully complete the course will achieve an appropriate understanding of:
- Define workplace violence
- Identify the staff groups & individuals likely to be affected.
- Gauge their risk of experiencing workplace violence
- Identify potential risk factors for workplace violence
- Spot the "early warning signs" of workplace violence
- Know when to report questionable or threatening behaviour
- Defuse threatening situations when they occur
- Properly react to an episode of workplace violence
Delegates will be encouraged to discuss the potentially aggressive situations within their own workplace.