Do I need professional health and safety advice?
The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 set out a requirement for every employer to:
Appoint one or more competent persons to assist him in undertaking the measures he needs to take to comply with … the relevant statutory provisions."
Do I need to carry out risk assessments for all workplace activities and operational procedures?
The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations places an absolute duty on employers and the self employed to carry out suitable and sufficient risk
What are specific risk assessments?
These are assessments that are required under specific health and safety legislation they include work involving : manual handling operations- repetitive work- display screen operations-using hazardous substances-Machinery use-pregnant employees and where the following hazard exist: noise-vibration-radiation-machinery-fire and explosion..
Do I need to have a health and safety policy?
If you employ five or more people you must have a written health and safety policy statement and a record of your health and safety arrangements.
What are my responsibilities under the new fire regulations?
Fire Certificates have been abolished and have ceased to have legal status. Instead, the new law emphasises preventing fires and reducing risk. It demands that a specific fire safety risk assessment is undertaken for every workplace, bringing fire safety into line with other health and safety legislation.
What health and safety training do my employees need?
The Health and Safety at Work Act, 1974, requires employers to provide information, instruction, and training so that employees are competent to undertake their work without risking their safety and health or endangering others.
How do I know if my health and safety arrangements are effective?
The Health and safety Executive sets out guidance in HS(G)65 Successful Health and Safety. These standards require that employers to carryout monitoring activities of the workplace and their operations.
I am about to have construction work carried out what are my legal Health and safety responsibilities?
The new Construction (Design & Management) regulations became law on 6th April. CDM 2007 places legal duties on virtually everyone involved in non-domestic construction work. Dependent on the duration of the project you may be required to notify the HSE and appoint a CDM Co-ordinator.
I rum a small business working within the building industry. A client requires me to become one of their approved contractors by joining a third party health and safety accreditation scheme. What must I do?
A There are several different contractor accreditation schemes Chas, Safe Contractor and Eurosafe are but a few. In the main they will require you to produce health and safety documentation such as: policies, risk assessments work method statements and training records. They require this documentation as proof that you and your employees are competent to carryout your work safely.
Why should I use PaSS Consultancy and Training Services?
Because by engaging PaSS you can be assured that you will be offered a bespoke service to deliver practical and cost effective solutions, which will competently address your Company requirements.