What does the law require?

The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations, 1999, places an absolute duty on employers and the self employed to carry out suitable and sufficient risk assessments. The assessments must consider the risk to employees and other persons who may be affected by the work they carry out and specifically, to the self employed, the risks to themselves and others. In the event of a formal investigation, the risk assessment is one of the first documents asked for by the HSE/Local Authorities and by an injured party’s solicitors.

What is involved in risk assessments?

A health & safety risk assessment would typically include the following steps:
1) Identification of hazard
2) Evaluating the likelihood of the hazard occurring (known as risk)
3) Deciding who is at risk and in what way
4) Deciding what precautions can be taken to reduce or eliminate this risk
5) Introducing risk control measures
6) Recording the findings and informing colleagues
7) Reviewing the assessment periodically revising it if necessary

Who may carry out a risk assessment?

Risk assessment must be done by a competent person, but not every business has someone with the knowledge, training, ability and time to address this crucial topic comprehensively.

How can PASS Consultancy help?

Before delving into the detail of specific risk assessments, we help to compile a register of all operations that will require assessments. The next stage will be to undertake General Risk Assessments followed by more Specific Risk Assessments where they are required (e.g. Manual Handling, Hazardous Substances (COSHH), Display Screen Equipment etc.). Over the years, we have developed specific forms, guidance and examples that make the process a lot easier. In line with good practice, your staff will need to be involved in this process - so that they learn what's involved, start to own the assessments, and for the risk assessments to make sense and fit in within your workplace and practices.