The HSE has identified certain activities as posing sufficient risks so as to merit a specific risk assessment, and they give guidance on hazards and issues to be considered when undertaking the assessments.

Examples of these are:

Controlling the risks to employees from substances used in the workplace

Ergonomic, environmental and psychological factors associated with display screen equipment

Manual Handling
Reducing the risk of injury associated with lifting, carrying, pushing and pulling

Working at Height
Controlling the risks and using the right equipment

Selection, use and maintenance of personal protective equipment

Workplace Transport
Ensuring a safe workplace, safe vehicles and safe drivers

What PaSS can do for you:

We at PaSS believe that the most effective way to address these particular risks is to utilise the knowledge, skills and experience of your employees, allied with our expertise and proven methods.

Your company will benefit from your employees being part of the process and therefore better equipped to manage the control measures which have been identified and implemented.